Privacy & Security

In wartime, your main objective is to avoid attracting attention. However, being a ghost online and a grey man in the real world is becoming increasingly difficult. Securing one’s digital wealth and achieving near-anonymity on the web can turn into a challenging daily task for many, discouraging less technically knowledgeable individuals from prioritizing online privacy and security. Simultaneously, many Western countries are becoming more tyrannical, with societal breakdowns and city violence on the rise.

Reset Advisors offers privacy, anti-tracking, and security solutions that do not require technical expertise to implement. We apply the tools, laws, and regulations that world leaders, businessmen, and powerful individuals use and leverage them to your advantage. Turn the tables to opt out of social credit scores, asset forfeitures, crypto over-regulation, and malicious creditors and governments coming after you. Our team will guide you through this process, from planning to execution, to help you become an actual ghost

Our services include:

Package 1: Existing computer hardening (Windows/Mac/Linux)

  • Device audit if requested (checking for vulnerabilities)
  • Set up virtual private network software (VPN)
  • Set up new browser; harden browser; Tor browser
  • Password manager and two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • Private/secure messaging
  • New email account and email behavior
  • Veracrypt (encryption software)
  • Bitcoin / Monero wallets
  • Computer backup
  • Network security
  • Digital behavior

Package 2: Phone hardening (iPhones)

  • Changing privacy settings
  • Reduction and selection of apps
  • Anonymous phone service

Package 3: Linux installation

  • Walk-through of installation method
    • Alternative options of dual installation or virtual installation (keep using your old operation system alongside Linux)
  • Full tour of Linux system
    • Installation of programs; differences from macOS and Windows; software recommendations
    • Possibility of using Windows programs within Linux

Package 4: GrapheneOS phone

  • Walk-through of Pixel phone purchase selection
  • Walk-through of installation of GrapheneOS
  • Tour of GrapheneOS
  • Installation of key programs, including F Droid and Aurora
  • Operation security best practices
  • Private eSIM phone service (international)

Additional Services Include:

  • Host a website with no attachment to identity (including running a shop)
  • Cancel-proofing oneself or one’s business
  • OSINT work (tracking down information about people or companies)
  • Self-hosting
  • Asset Protection Strategies & Offshore Trusts
  • Ghost Mailing Addresses
  • Online Privacy Data Removal
  • Disinformation & Aliases
  • Nominee & Agent Services
  • Home Security Planning, Tools & Gadgets


At Reset Advisors, we have been living a nomadic lifestyle for the past three years, where we discovered that many countries behaved differently during Covid lockdowns and do not have the technological infrastructure nor the societal homogeneity to implement a digital gulag system. When advising clients on relocation destinations, we use the following criteria:

  • Good natural geography and little geopolitical threats
  • Energy self-sufficient
  • Food & potable water self-sufficient
  • Foreign-capital friendly and a favorable citizenship or residency program
  • Relatively low percentage of a “banked” population
  • Basic business infrastructure (cell coverage, optical cables/ satellite internet and reliable electricity)
  • Physical security
  • Presence of a like-minded local community

No country scores perfectly in all fields; however, there are certain locations that are more favorable than others. Next, we evaluate the best destinations based on your profession, personality, as well as appearance (to blend in with locals). Finally, we guide you through the paperwork and necessary steps to relocate as soon as possible.

Book a Call to learn more about our Privacy & Security Services